Out with the Old…..In with the New…..

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven. A time to plant and a time to uproot. Ecclesiastes 3:2b


Did you know that in 1681 William Penn founded Pennsylvania? And Pennsylvania means “Penn’s Woods” which combines the founders name with the fact that the region was forest land. People have told me that the older, big, one hundred plus foot white oak tree around today were present in the days of William Penn. These trees are named “William Penn Oaks”. Whether true or not, clusters of these big boys are in my neighborhood and in my yard. The trees made an impression on someone because the street I live on is named Oak Lane….

It’s been an eventful week here on Oak Lane. The tree guys came. It was finally time to cut down our “Mighty Oak”.

We have lived in our home for over 30 years and that majestic specimen was here long before we came. It was a tall, proud beauty that gave us years of enjoyment under its cool, shady limbs. As I stand on and stare at the big old stump (counting its rings), I remember days gone by:

When our baby girl was 9 months old, my husband, our neighbor Chuck and I built a swing set/playhouse under our Mighty Oak which gave such protection from the sun. Year after year, the kids would play under its extensive canopy. For many years, we would rake the fallen leaves into a big pile and all the neighborhood kids would come and jump off the swing set into the massive leaf bed. We would also gather the acorns. The children would pretend they were food while they played house. And the squirrels gathered them and stored them for their winter supply. Many nights were spent socializing around a campfire under that tree. And I can’t forget the leaves, leaves and more leaves. Oak leaves are big leaves. I won’t miss raking those leaves. Those were fun days, but kids grow up and life marches on.

These past couple of years, age and sickness began to take its toll on our Mighty Oak. Infection spread as leaves disappeared and branches fell. It was not safe to keep it standing. Life and death even come to giants.

It took a couple of days for the tree workers to bring her down. They used a crane with a bucket to reach the highest limbs. Their giant chipper ate huge branches in one quick crunch. They cut the trunk into twelve-foot sections and sent them to a sawmill to be made into boards. And finally, they ground the stump into a pile of dust. It’s hard to believe there once stood our Mighty Oak.

 Forget the former things, do not dwell on the past, See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up, do you not perceive it? Isaiah 43:18-20

It’s now time to plant again. This time we get to decide what we want to plant. It will be fun picking a tree. Just think, whatever we pick may be standing a hundred years from now for a new family to enjoy! Trees are a gift to all of us!






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