
Today, I want to write about growth. I see it all around me as I have spent the past month outside preparing my yard for summer. Under certain conditions, growth naturally happens. Growth is when something increases in size, develops, or reaches its full potential. I want to share these qualities of growth that I have experienced so you can apply them to your life and be one step closer to living your best life.

Being alive means having life, which naturally gives us a form of growth. If something is not dead, then it has potential for growth.

Let’s look at 3 principles of growth:

1.     Begin with PREPARATION – To maximize growth, we need to plan and prepare for it.


In April, Tom and I uprooted our front flower bed. Before we uprooted, we talked about what we wanted to do, how we were going to improve the garden and discussed what plants liked the full afternoon sun and what plants did not. We researched, went to different nurseries, and had a plan. We knew it would be hard physical labor but decided to put in the effort. We also knew that the uprooted bulbs and plants were at risk of a cold frost that could kill them. Our plants included: Hosta, Dahlia, Catmint, Echinacea, Yarrow, and Astilbe. We kept them in our garage for a couple of weeks until we could replant them somewhere else in the yard. We then removed about a foot of old soil and replaced it with a mixture of topsoil, compost and vermiculite which was rich in nutrients. This process took a couple of weekends. We divided all the former bulbs and plants and bought a couple new plant varieties that we planted into the new soil.

Personal growth preparation works in the same way. Begin by deciding what kind of personal growth you want? It could be going back to school for more training, learning a new language, losing weight, leaving an old job for a new better one, improving your communication skills. You name it and begin to plan for it. Sacrifice will be involved: time, energy, money, saying “no” to certain habits or people. Plan and count the costs. Are you willing to make the necessary changes required to see growth?


2.     Continue with MAINTENANCE –

After all the plants were in their place, we watered them generously. Now it was time to watch them grow and enjoy. However, nothing is that simple, we had a cold, windy spring and after a couple of weeks, nothing seemed to be growing. Weather conditions just weren’t right. We had several freezing nights which meant covering the fragile plants to keep them safe from the cold and wind. Gradually, temperatures began to warm up. Little by little the plants began to get bigger, flower and bloom. Spring rains were also a big help to quench thirsty roots. Before we knew it, temperatures were soaring, our garden was bursting with life. Everything was growing and I mean everything especially the weeds. Everyday, I’m out there picking weeds trying to stop them at their root.

Personal growth maintenance works the same way. Once you choose your area of personal growth, the discipline begins. If you are back at school, it will take time to learn new material, do homework and study for tests. Keep at it and a new habit will form. A monthly bill may greet you at the mailbox which means less shopping or dining out. Be bold, face your fears and start a new job. If you are practicing new communication skills, set a time to engage with others one on one and begin to openly share, be direct or listen to what others have to say without judgment or criticizing. Practice these new activities repeatedly.


3.     ENJOY the beauty – As we approach summer, Tom and I can clearly see the fruits of our labor! If our plants and flowers could talk, they’d be saying, “I love my happy home.” Because we took the time and energy to divide our bulbs and plants and change out the soil for a richer, healthier compost, we have thriving plants bursting with colors. Ideal weather conditions make all the difference too. We took the divided plants and planted them in 3 other garden spots around our yard. Out of one bulb, we now have 3 or 4 new plants. That is multiplication. That is growth!

Personal growth leads to enjoy the beauty in the same way. If you choose any kind of personal growth plan for your life, and if you stick with your new activity or habit for as long as it takes, (it usually takes a lot longer than you think) and don’t give up, in time, you will see the compounding effect of the multiplication process. It will produce a growth and beauty that you can enjoy. Then once you’ve grown in one area, you will be ready to begin again in a new area of your growth journey. Enjoy the ride!



The Journey is Real…


Out with the Old…..In with the New…..