
Today, I have teamwork on my mind.


Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 – Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.

I fell down once and couldn’t get up. I was alone and helpless so I can relate to the above bible verse. Pain was surging through my body. I was a pitiful mess! At first, I called out to God, “I need you”. Then, I cried out to anyone who could hear. Walt, my invalid neighbor heard my cry. Although scared and shaken, he managed to dial 911. Within a few minutes, an ambulance appeared to take me to care. X-rays showed multiple breaks in my femur bone. Later, they wheeled me into surgery. I told the doc, “Do your best work sir”. Hours later, I came into consciousness feeling great relief. Three months of bedrest while life carried on. I have to say, from start to finish I experienced teamwork at its best.


To me, teamwork means people acting together as opposed to a person acting alone. We were designed and wired to be in relationship with other people. What would I have done that day without the help of other people? Each connection gave me hope and courage which eased my pain.


1 Peter 4:8-10 – “Above all, love each other deeply because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.


This verse is personal to me. It is so powerful because others were living it out when they helped me that day on March 11, 2011. Let me break it down.


The day before my accident, the neighbor girl was at our house playing with my daughter. She came wearing a jacket but left without it. The next morning, we noticed the jacket and decided to give it back to her down at the bus stop. That day, she was not at the bus stop, so I kindly returned her jacket to her house. I was being nice because she probably needed her coat. Kindness was the motive that started this ordeal. Her dog was out in the yard. We are friends with these neighbors and their dog. The dog was not happy with me that day. As I was leaving the yard, he came charging at me from behind. He tripped me and flipped me into the air. When I landed, well, it was not my finest finish.

Walt, my hero, heard my cries. He was close to his phone and graciously was able to start the hope process. Next came the fire marshal who kept me safe from the scared, barking dog. As I lay helpless on the wet, cold road, my husband appeared full of compassion and concern. Then the EMT guys arrived. They assessed my condition, skillfully lifted me onto the stretcher, and braced my leg as their conversations distracted me during the painful ride to the hospital. Nurses greeted us in the ER and then whisked me into x-rays where technicians captured all my injuries. Later that day, the surgeon was available so using his gifts and talents, he drilled, screwed, and stitched my leg back together. Each medical personnel performed their job with care and excellence. I am so thankful for the medical teams that served me that day. Their teamwork was exceptional.

My stay in the hospital lasted a few days as my leg had to be braced and stabilized so the alignment could set. Stitches also needed to heal before I could bend my knee.

The suddenness of the accident was a shock to me, my husband and our daughters. We live a busy life where each of us already carries a heavy load. Who would pick up my slack?  Friends and family eagerly came to visit bringing flowers, gifts and sympathy. I was encouraged by their support, and it gave me the courage I needed to face my changed life and long recovery. A meal schedule was set up and friends and family cheerfully provide me and my family with food for 3 months. Neighbors shuttled me back and forth to the doctors and rehab, while friends transported my daughter to her schedule activities. Ladies from church happily came to clean and do our laundry. I think it was the cleanest our house had ever been. The hospitality shown to me, and my family was nothing but love. God surely heard my cry!

Years later as I reflect on my accident, it was only through caring teamwork that me and my family were able to thrive during that difficult trial. Teamwork really is dreamwork!




Giving and Light


Traveling with Mom